Saturday, October 27, 2012

Open my eyes wide again....

Yesterday I decided to take my dog (Kira) on a walk. She was jumping up at the door while I was busy doing homework and honestly I did not want to get up off the couch. But Mama guilt kicked in and all I could think about was her in the backyard fenced in all day while I was at work taking care of sick Middle School kids. So we ran out the backdoor together ready to get in an early evening walk. As we started down the street I couldn't help but pause to look at all the beauty around us. I live in an older part of town aka the historic district. The homes are pretty, the flower beds are cared for, and the setting is really perfect for me. There is so much charm and character. But today I felt so much peace walking along and shuffling my feet in all the colorful leaves. This last year has been quite the journey for me. This time last year my husband of only 14 months left me. After he walked out I was in a deep darkness for a long time. I can honestly say that I did not even notice anything about Fall last year. East Coast Fall is always beautiful but in my depression, shock, and bitterness I never opened my eyes to see it due to the crash and burn of my marriage and dreams. Yesterday I remembering taking a deep breath and thanking God that this year is different. I am able to open my eyes WIDE to see all the beauty and HIS (meaning God's) fingerprints of beauty all around me. The leaves, the breeze, the sweet pup walking ahead of me, and so much more. I'm really grateful. There are many verses in the Bible that I draw strength from. In particular are those of Psalms that talk about us being placed in a wide open space and having feet like the deer to scale the heights. In my life I feel like this.... the scars, the callouses of my feet so to speak have made me stronger. Walking the street yesterday and seeing the beauty this year was my "wide open space". I felt it was an experience applicable to our class. Maybe someone else can relate. I hope each of you has time to stop.... open your eyes wide to ALL the many ways there are fingerprints of beauty in your life.

2 Samuel 22:33-34, Psalms 18 & 118


  1. Hi Ashley, I am sorry that you went through some hard times last year. I feel that everything happens for a resaon, sometimes we don't know the reason for a long time, but I believe our hardships and painful experiences make us stronger and wiser, and brings us closer to knowing who we are and what is important to us. I'm glad that you find comfort in scripture ,and this year you can enjoy the seasons.

  2. Thanks Trace! I was just thinking about that today as well.... this unfortunate experience has given me a stronger faith and I know that through it I can help others that go through something similar.
    I appreciate your thoughtful comment. :)
