Tuesday, November 13, 2012

exercising LOVING-KINDNESS (mp3-style)

Blog Unit 4

1. Describe your experience. Did you find it beneficial? Difficult? Why or why not? Would you recommend this to others? Why or why not?

2. What is the concept of "mental workout"? What does the research indicate are the proven benefits of a mental workout? How can you implement mental workouts to foster your psychological health?

I’m still having a hard time focusing. The mental image that came to mind at the beginning of the MP3 exercise was the peace overwhelming the stress in my mind. It was like a jar full of red bouncing balls being the stress and the peace were blue balls. The blue balls overwhelm and take up all the space the red balls held in the jar and continue to bounce. If only this were true of my day and the stressors and peace that I have! :0) Obviously I still have a ways to go to implement this practice in my life. But I really liked the mental image since I am someone that if extremely visual.

I think the statement about being able to love ourselves before we can love others is crucial. If we hate or dislike ourselves then how can we extend love to others or even have open eyes or an open heart to the good in others. I feel like this basic to have genuine health and wellness.

Image from: seongyosa.wordpress.com
I participated with the MP3 until the portion of taking on the pain and suffering of others. I do not believe in this practice. I don’t think it’s healthy for our heart and spirit due to my spiritual beliefs and faith. I feel very strongly about empathizing with their suffering and offering yourself as a friend, listener, care giver, or intercessory prayer warrior on their behalf but NOT actually taking in or taking on their suffering. I believe as a follower of Jesus that this is to be given to Him. He is the only one that can carry that burden and take the sickness. We are not required to do that. It’s not healthy for our hearts, minds, body, or spirit.

I chose to skip that portion of the exercise and went on to additional parts of the music with the waves crashing. The music was WONDERFUL! I could listen to that for a long time. 

For me with this exercise I would be open to modifying it. I would be willing to take subjects of loved ones, my enemies, or myself and meditate on prayers, hopes, and asking for God’s peace for all 3 subjects. It may not be the exact exercise but due to my personal faith and beliefs I’m unable to complete exactly as directed.

Mental workouts are very beneficial to your mind, spirit, and body. Stats have proven this, which we have seen in both our texts for this Health and Wellness course. The mind-body connection is like an uncharted territory for us over in the West but I’m excited to see how improving our own mental capabilities and response to stress will improve our daily lives. I do see first hand with my students in the middle school changes in heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation levels when they calm down, use deep breathing exercises, and take a “time out” to rest and let a stressful event die down before returning to class. 
Personally I would love to track my cortisol levels through out the day and correlate that to my present health state. I’m so curious!! :0)

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