Sunday, November 4, 2012

abc's and rainbow colors

This week my blog is focused on grading myself on my physical, spiritual, and psychological well being. 10 is optimal well being and 0 is just that, 0!

Here goes nothing....

Physical: (5) I am fairly healthy (or at least my latest blood work shows this) and try to eat right, take my vitamins, and get enough rest. But I do have 10 pounds to loose and it’s been a process trying to take that off. I struggle with fatigue at times and I think that relates to my lack of consistent exercise.
Goal: Lose those 10 pounds!
Exercise/Activity: Walk/run 3-4 times a week

Photo Credit: Pinterest
Spiritual: (7) This aspect of wellness it very important to me. I try to spend time reading the Bible, worship Jesus through music, pray about issues on my heart, and have to attend Church each week. Church is my way to continue being feed through community worship, hearing the Word of God taught, and attending weekly Bible study. There is always ways to improve my intimacy with God and there will always be more to learn.
Goal: Daily time reading the Bible to give me strength for my day and closeness with Jesus.
Activity: Set aside designated time in the evening to read. I am not a morning person and don’t see that changing. :)

Psychological: (6) I have been a journey of healing and discovery in a huge way this last year. With my husband choosing to initiate an extramarital affair and end our marriage I’ve had a lot to face in a short time. I’ve been diligent to go to counseling and get involved in a Divorce Care group at a local church. It’s been a hard road but I have learned so much about myself through this terrible experience. I’ve learned I have a huge fear of confrontation, I am co-dependent; have a hard time setting healthy boundaries in my life, and struggle with effective forms of communication in a relationship. I’ve been determined to take care of myself, go through counseling, heal, and work on positive changes for myself. This has required loads of self-reflection and leaning on those close to me in my life for support.

Photo Credit: Pinterest
Goal: Start a journal. I’ve been avoiding putting down all my negative experiences and feelings on paper. Need an outlet to get it out.
Activity: Confide in a friend to hold me accountable to journaling as a positive way to express my hurt, disappointment, and to see the good changes I’m trying to implement in my life.

Relaxation Exercise:

I made it much further with this exercise in comparison with the first one. It was hard to concentrate but I did really well until we got to the portion about love. The statement “I choose to love” triggered thoughts of rejection from love that has been thrown back into my face. This distraction made it hard to re-center my thoughts and continue focusing on the man’s voice and commands. I definitely do not have this concept of guided imagery and relaxation down. It takes much more effort than I originally thought. But I do feel that practicing with these exercises is good for me since it helps me continue to learn how to relax. In the long run I think I will be very thankful for this portion of our class. I like that it is “hands on” learning and gives us tools to actively learn while completing our unit objectives each week.

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