Sunday, November 25, 2012

Taking a DEEPER look in

Integral Assessment~ Here's the objective of this week...

Complete the Integral Assessment discussed in chapter 11 (p.115). Describe the exercise and assessment process. What did you discover about yourself? What area have you chosen to be a focus of growth and development? Why? What are some specific exercises or activities that you can implement to foster greater wellness in this area?

Integral Assessment helps us to focus on ourselves as a whole. There are 6 Principles of Integral Assessment. They are as follows according to Dacher from Integral Health (2006):
1.              The goal of integral health is to alleviate needless suffering and promote human flourishing.
2.              Integral health recognizes the distinction between short-term relief of needless suffering and  permanent relief.
3.              Integral health recognizes the distinction between immediate pleasure and long-term flourishing.
4.              Psychospiritual development is an essential component of integral health.
5.              Integral assessment relies on deep listening and guidance.
6.              Integral assessment addresses the aspects, levels, and lines of development that are relevant to our current circumstance.

This exercise allows us to evaluate and assess ourselves on each level. Having an open and honest evaluation of these aspects of our lives gives us the freedom to discover what we can work on, where we are growing, and set goals for change with the ultimate goal of reaching human flourishing. The main take away I grabbed from Dacher is in regards to the importance of this process and the realization we can’t have it all together but making a start gets us one step closer to wholeness, health, and the life we hope to live. Dacher also shares the importance of an unbiased mentor or guide to walk us through this process and give their impression of our assessment as well. It is often those people we share our life with or allow into the deep places of our heart and mind that can see and point out aspects of our life that may be screaming for change.

I am a very self-reflective person by nature. But this list and text from Dacher was so broad and covered a lot. I was honestly a bit intimidated by the list and assessment. Of course the overwhelming theme that comes to mind is working on my Psychospiritual and Interpersonal areas of development. Since I am in the waiting process of my divorce I still have loads of pain and disappointment to work through. I am at a much better place with this than I was 6 months ago but the effects of the depression and hit to my confidence and ability to trust will not go away in a short period of time. For me activities to work on this include journaling, continuing therapy with my counselor, keeping a consistent prayer time sharing my heart and hurts with Jesus, and keeping myself surrounded by truthful and encouraging support systems in my life. Interpersonally I have the need to work on my communication skills and fear of conflict. This is as well a source of work with my counselor and by applying the witnessing mind I am able to recognize patterns and times I react instead of waiting and responding well when my feelings are not hurt and clouding my judgment.

I’m very thankful this is a process. It’s up to me to cut myself some slack realizing this but to remain faithful to the task at hand by continuing working on myself in efforts to being one step closer to Integral Health.


  1. It was believed that I suffered from depression a few years ago. A horrible sleep disorder led many doctors to believe that was what I had, and I was sent to see a counselor as well. I will admit that it felt good, and a bit weird to give all of that information to a stranger, but in the end, I think it helped me to realize some things about myself. All too often, we take life's experiences and just bottle them up, not really understanding how we should deal with them or how those events really took a hold of us. I think it's great that you are talking to one, and I do hope that you are getting everything out of it that you need!!

  2. You are not alone and never forget you are a good person and worthy of happiness, health and wholeness. I will pray for you and send your way thoughts of healing, insightful awareness, and patience with yourself to heal, and a rebounding spirit. Divorce takes a longtime to recover from. I know because it took me three years to get myself back in line. Not to say it going to take you that long but that was the case for me. I feel whatever circumstances we are presently facing, this class and it subjects are positive, uplifting and empowering in it discoveries of the treasures of an-awaken-self, inward focus and extensions towards others. I personally am a believer of God and he rules all that exist in the universe through his light, spirit and energy. When I pray or meditate, I do both, I am listening for him, seeking his guidance, the reality of my existence and ours, patience, wisdom, knowledge, peace and harmony, happiness from within, community, and showing all I encounter my spiritual being reflected in my physical being. As I get older, I am a source, a wise grandpa figure, to younger people who are trying to make sense of this crazy world and its materialistic tendencies, personal interest, confusion and disillusionments. Your hurt will pass, your life will be better, and you will have back your self-esteem and pride but along the way remember to witness the journey and the steps you are taking! A whole life will unfold your consciousness with it and you will witness to others your personal travels to help ease their pain. You will become comfort and an uplifting spirit!

  3. Hi Ashley,
    Good job on the assessment. I am 4 years past a divorce, so I understand what you are going through. It certainly takes a lot to file it, go through the process, etc. I think that the effects of my divorce still haunt me. I give you a lot of credit for being the way you are! Makes me think that I have a lot to work on with myself. Good luck with all that!

  4. Darryl, Hector, and Lauren...
    Thanks to each of you for your kind words and SO much encouragement. I know that each situation we go through has the potential to tear us down or gives us more life. It's what we do with it right... that's one reason each of us are taking this course to be instruments of healing in others lives. It's so good we do not journey alone.
    Bless you guys! :)
